DKIM and SPF signatures allow you to confirm that the address specified in the "From" field is the real address of the sender of the letter. The signature can be automatically checked on the recipient's side: based on the results of the check, the server makes the decision that came with the letter: accept, send to the "Spam" folder, send for additional verification or not at all. In order to connect signatures , it is necessary: Open a SendExpert account. In the "Project Settings" menu, open the "Domains" section. Enter the domain name (without www), click "Create". Include a signature. Copy the values and paste them in the domain name account of your site. 6. After a few hours, check the result.
How to send a repeat email only to those who opened the sent newsletter? To do this, you must first create the group "Opened the mailing". This can be done in the "Address book", "Groups" section phone number list Click on the button "Create a group", enter the name "Those who opened" and save. Go to the "Reports of mailing lists" section, select the mailing list, the subscribers of which need to prepare a follow-up letter. Open the "Open" report. After opening a detailed report on discoveries, we shift our gaze to the lower part of the screen, where it is possible to add subscribers who opened the letter to the group created earlier. Click "With everyone in the current selection" Add to group"Those who opened.

After that, we create a newsletter and send it to the "Those who opened" group. What will happen if you update the customer list from CRM? Will unsubs cribers become active upon import? After each mailing, subscribers who unsubscribed and complained about spam become inactive for subsequent mailings. If they remain in the SendExpert system subscriber base (that is, you do not delete them), during subsequent imports, the system takes into account unsubscribes and spam complaints. And if such a subscriber is reloaded into the system, it will not be available for mailing. If unsubscribed subscribers are removed from the database, the system will load them as new ones during import.