Capable of collaboration (screen sharing, document access, etc.) They contain various types of training material: layouts, simulators, simulators, etc. Every company needs to structure and store the accumulated information, documents and various developments. Some use free cloud services for management, others haven't come close to solving this problem. Installing special software may seem like too time-consuming a step to some. Sooner or later, however, any reasonable leader realizes that it is impossible to run an effective business without orderly arrangements for storing information, exchanging data among employees, and imparting knowledge to young professionals.
The system helps them. Simply because phone number list ordering itself saves time and resources. Many people try to use other services without introducing these platforms, each service solves its own task ( , , , ). This experience will only convince the leaders that one platform to solve several problems is the best way out. The decision to implement an e-learning system in a business should not be spontaneous but balanced and deliberate. Since this is a fairly large process, the transition to the new learning platform must be broken down into several stages. Assess the current state of data storage and transfer. In most companies, one can observe occasional use of various telecommunications and media technologies.

These could be database archives in tables on a computer hard drive or in a cloud service, communications in departmental work chats, correspondence in company mail, etc. Through the analysis of the situation, the needs of the company and the requirements for e-learning provided by the system can be formulated. Define key criteria for implementing the transition. Identify leaders in the transition to centralized e-learning. His responsibilities include, inter alia, monitoring the compliance of the learning platform with the specified quality. Identify assistant managers responsible for content development. Prepare the content of the training sessions.