Have a compelling reason to connect. If you’re not connecting over something, THEY care about? Your prospects are busy, so if they’re not going to care about why you’re reaching out, don’t reach out yet. It’s better to wait until you do. Nail the timing. Keep tabs on what’s happening in their world and ensure you’re reaching out when they’ll be most receptive. I do this with Nudge.ai. Individualize your message. The person receiving this connection request should always feel like you’re speaking to them and them alone.
Otherwise, they’ll be quick to write it off as an automated message. This approach signals to them that they’re not just another face on your hitlist and that you might actually be someone who can help. 4. Give before (and more than) you take. Relationships aren’t one-sided, nor do they start best with an ask. Instead, it’s better to give something to your phone number list prospects (or do something FOR them) first and on more than one occasion. This video explains the concept well. And some of my favorite ways to do this on LinkedIn include: Sharing their content and a summary of thoughts on the subject with my network to give them increased visibility and additional insight.

Connecting them with a person to make a thoughtful introduction where both parties will benefit from knowing each other Paying attention to what they’ve been talking about or are going through to share a useful piece of content they would find helpful (whether it’s mine or not) Thoughtfully chiming in on their conversations provides a different . However, I’ve also done fun things like sending a personalized meme to a CRO who flew a specific kind of plane: LinkedIn Lead A bit corny, yes, but 100% personalized and effective. Response time = less than 5 minutes. Anything is possible, so get creative! Make sure whatever you do is thoughtful, authentic, selfless, and value-added.