We live inthe subtleties that already exist. tight.surrounded by print.When it comes toprinting, I can't help but think of all kinds of printers, from large printersin printers to medium-sized printers in offices and receipt printers like smallreceipts for takeaways, to small ones that can print sticky notes and photosthat can be brought along. There are many types of printers and differentstyles. 副图2020 (1) The printer is one of theoutput devices of the computer. According to the technology used, it can bedivided into cylindrical, spherical, inkjet, thermal, laser, electrostatic,magnetic, and light-emitting diode printers. With the advent of blackertechnology, thermal printer technology has developed rapidly.
Although itcan only use special thermal Latest Mailing Database paper, it is favored by more and more blackenthusiasts because of its easy portability and simple operation. Next, let'sget into the thermal printer to learn about some of its features and functions,and also about the classification of different functions, so that, whenchoosing a printer in the future, we can choose from a brilliant array ofproducts that meet our needs. without a lack of creativity. 1 How thermalprinters work A light-colored material (usually paper) is covered with a clearfilm that becomes dark after being heated for a period of time. The image iscreated by heating, which produces a chemical reaction in the film. The thermalprinter selectively heats the thermal paper at a certain position, thusproducing corresponding graphics.

Heating isprovided by a small electronic heater on the print head that is in contact withthe heat-sensitive material. The same logic that controls the heating elementalso controls the paper feed, allowing graphics to be printed on the entirelabel or paper . Advantages and disadvantages of thermal printers Compared withother small printers, thermal printing is fast, low noise, clear printing andeasy to use. However, thermal printers cannot directly print duplex, and theprinted documents cannot be saved permanently. If you need to print invoices,it is recommended to use a needle .When printing other documents that do notneed to be stored for a long time, it is recommended to use thermal printing.