answer to a query on one of
Create And although Tags aren t all powerful why we ve added the more advanced Hidden Fields feature you ll soon learn about below they re practically required input if you want to get serious about automating your email marketing However combining Tags with some of the Custom Field types you ll learn about next can really take your email marketing game to the next level Advanced Lead Generation Custom Fields Now comes the fun part It s time to discuss more sophisticated types of lead generation form data collection Let s get you schooled up on all the Custom Fields you can add to your Thrive.
Themes lead generation forms assuming you use one of the email marketing tools that supports them Set this up right and the advanced data you collect will automatically get passed along to your email marketing tool so you can set up some crazy elaborate email marketing automations Text Fields Need your visitor to input a short text based yo phone number list ur lead gen forms Then the Text field is what to use in such situations Remember that your visitors have free rein to enter whatever value they want within a Text field so make sure to indicate the exact answer type and format you need to capture using the placeholder feature You can capture subscriber Last Names by using the Text Custom Field and Field Mapping it to.

A dedicated Last Name field in your email marketing tool This particular example shows a lead generation form asking for a Last Name as a Text Custom Field mapped to a Mailchimp integration Click the image to enlarge it For example if you want to use the Text field to capture a visitor s Last Name just like the image above you can set this up by Setting the placeholder of the basic Name field to First Name Create a Last Name Custom Field type within your.