On March 15, 2016, the article: “FAIR Principles for the management and administration of scientific data ” was published in the Scientific Data journal of Nature. The FAIR Principles offer a precise and measurable set of qualities that a data publication should follow in order for data to be Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, and Reusable (FAIR – Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, and Reusable ), as detailed below: FINDABLE : Data and metadata can be found by the community after publication, using search tools. F1. Assign a unique and persistent identifier to data and metadata F2. Describe data neatly with metadata F3. Register/Index the data and metadata in a search resource F4.
The metadata must specify the identifier of the data being described. ACCESSIBLE (Accessible): The data and metadata are accessible and therefore can be downloaded by other researchers using their identifiers. A1 Data and metadata can be retrieved by their identifiers using standardized communication protocols A1.1 Protocols Israel phone number list have to be open, free and universally implemented A1.2 The protocol must allow procedures for authentication and authorization (if necessary). A2 Metadata must be accessible, even when the data is no longer available. INTEROPERABLE (Interoperable): Both the data and the metadata must be described following the rules of the community, using open standards, to allow their exchange and reuse. I1. accessible, shareable, and widely applicable language to represent knowledge.

Data and metadata use vocabularies that follow the FAIR principles I3. Data and metadata include qualified references to other data or metadata REUSABLE (Reusable): The data and metadata can be reused by other researchers, when its origin and the reuse conditions are clear. R1. Data and metadata contain a multitude of accurate and relevant attributes R1.1. Data and metadata are published with a clear and accessible license on their use and reuse R1.2. Data and metadata are associated with information about their provenance R1.3. Data and metadata follow the relevant standards used by the community of the particular domain.